Yesterday, while Skyping with Sam, I received an email informing me that I would not be able to fly home through Germany. The airport workers at Frankfurt Airport are on strike. While I was certainly not pleased with the delay, I realized that I now had a 1 1/2-day paid vacation in the country in which I found myself stranded..........Malta. Not a bad place to get stuck. Being the adventurer that I am, I was determined not to waste this opportunity. Last night I ate some delicious pasta, and I don't know if it was the pasta or something else (delays, change of literary), but I only slept about three hours before I decided to get out of bed and begin the day.
I began the day at a little cafe..........hey, that rhymes........with a pastry full of ricotta cheese.
Check out the title of the bottom-right smoothie. Funny.
Sitting on a bench waiting for the bus to arrive.
I took a one-hour bus ride to the Mdina Glass Factory. They make some gorgeous items. I like the sign above the glass.
Following my tour of the glass factory I walked 30-45 minutes up to the ancient city of Mdina. According to Wikipedia, "Legend has it that it was here, in around 60 CE, that Paul the Apostle lived after his shipwreck on the islands."
Selfie........but only because no one else was foolish enough to walk along the narrow roads with the crazy Maltese drivers flying by.
Gate to old Mdina
Looking out over Malta
At this point I was famished, so I decided to stop at Gululu for lunch.
I found this as I was walking to Gululu. I suppose that love does indeed turn things upside down at times........or something like that. Does that even make sense? :)
I was told to try a Maltese favorite.........rabbit belly (Zaqq tal-Fenek).
And so I did. Thumper's belly was delicious. The veggies were excellent as well.
Walking back to my hotel.
View from the top of the hotel.
I gave him a few coins and he played me a song. It would have been a romantic moment were Sam here with me. In fact, this entire place is pretty romantic, though not so much when you walk alone.
The day is only half gone, and while I am tempted to continue exploring this tiny country, I am simply too tired. The next time I get stuck in Malta I shall explore another section of the country.